On Sunday, November 5th, Christ’s Church joined with thousands of other churches across the world to participate in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). But it doesn’t have to end there. Here are several ways you can continue to help the persecuted church.
The first request of persecuted Christians is, “Pray for Us.” Beyond praying on the IDOP, you can sign up to receive information that will help you pray for countries and individuals on a daily basis. Visit icommittopray.com to learn more.
You can write an imprisoned believer in another country. Visit www.prisoneralert.com for more information.
At Christ’s Church we’re choosing to give in a couple of ways to help the persecuted church. Often when a pastor or evangelist is imprisoned or killed for their activities, their families are left with little means of financial support. The Voice of the Martyrs Families of Martyrs fund is used to help sustain these believers until they can find alternative means of support. Click here to give directly to this fund today.
North Korea is ranked as the most oppressive place in the world for Christians. Believers are forced to hide their faith completely from government authorities, neighbors and often, even their own spouses and children. Click here to help Open Doors provide Bibles, emergency food, medicine, safe houses, training and other critical resources to strengthen secret believers and the underground church in North Korea.