Announcements (Page 7)
New Fall Teaching Series – True Belonging
What is true belonging, and where can it be found? True belonging is knowing that we have a safe and significant place in something larger than ourselves, and it’s found in the true community called the church of Jesus Christ. Join us this fall as we explore what it looks like to belong to this community.
Reflections on Prayer Podcast
Podcasts are one of the best ways to absorb actionable information on the go and hands-free. If you weren’t able to be a part of our most recent life group series, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all that great content. Feel free to subscribe to one of our podcast channels and search “Reflections on Prayer,” or simply listen to each individual episode using the players below.
Gaining Ground
During the month of August, we enjoy the final weeks of summer, while simultaneously preparing for the fall. This month we want to explore how we can gain ground in the areas of our lives and church that are most important. Thus this series will explore themes such as God-driven productivity, work and rest, influence, creating conditions for spiritual growth personally and collectively as a church. We will wrap up by discovering how God is inviting us in gaining ground for the kingdom by contributing…
Spring Teaching Series
Who are your neighbors? More than the people on the other side of our fences, neighbors are those we rub shoulders with every day, from our commute to the office, to the playground, the café, or the gym. Each one is loved by God—and each of us can neighbor with love. How do we neighbor? That may be the harder question. We love our neighbors when we ask not how should they live—but what do they need. Dig in to…
In Mark 8:34-35, Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Baptism is the way Jesus gave us to express our whole-hearted commitment to follow him and enter into a relationship with God. If you or one of your children is ready to make that…
30 Hour Famine
Our Youth Group will be participating in World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine Friday, April 20-Saturday, April 21. They will grow closer to Christ and each other as they fast together for 30 hours and raise funds to fight hunger. They are participating in something bigger than themselves, taking action for God’s kingdom and helping to save the lives of hungry kids! Please take some time to chat with our youth group and youth leaders over the next couple of weeks to…
Easter 2018
Anything can be broken. A bowl or a phone; a heart or a family; even a life. We pick up the pieces—if we can—and move on. Once, in a room filled with fear in a city shaking with unrest, a group of men and women mourned together, trying to gather the fragments of life as they knew it. Their hearts, their hopes, and their world were broken. Then the man they mourned came to them and said, “Peace.” HE’D BROKEN…
Something, somewhere, is broken. The headlines scream it, and our own hearts whisper the questions: What is wrong with the world? And can it ever be made right? In the ancient days of Israel, a few men tried to answer these questions, with holy messages of rebuke, repentance, and—ultimately—hope. They were known as prophets. And during Lent, we have the opportunity to reflect on their words for our damaged world. The season of Lent on the Christian calendar began as a…
Alpha – Starting January 22nd
Do you have questions about life or Christianity that you would like to have answered but have always been afraid to ask? Ever wondered why we are here? What’s the meaning of life? Is there a God? If so, how do we know? Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Current Alpha Course – Winter 2018 Mondays (starting January 22, 2018) 6:30-9pm CCA Downstairs Classroom Please sign up…
Your Place in God’s World
God has given us all a calling. More than our job or career path, our calling is the fulfillment of God’s good purpose for our careers, our families, our communities… our lives. But to find it, we must first hear the call. God’s call. And it’s not just about the future; it starts today, right here, where you are. You won’t know what God is calling you to do next unless you are being faithful to what God has called…
IDOP 2017
On Sunday, November 5th, Christ’s Church joined with thousands of other churches across the world to participate in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). But it doesn’t have to end there. Here are several ways you can continue to help the persecuted church. PRAY The first request of persecuted Christians is, “Pray for Us.” Beyond praying on the IDOP, you can sign up to receive information that will help you pray for countries and individuals on a…
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is here once again, an opportunity to share the Gospel with children around the world. The shoeboxes will be available for pick up starting this Sunday, October 15 in the Christ’s Church foyer. BOXES MUST BE RETURNED TO CCA NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, NOV. 12.