We had a blast hosting our first ever Drive-Thru EggFest in 2021, but we’re roaring back in 2022.
Our egg hunts are the real deal. No egg scrambles for the big kids. They’ll be hunting for their eggs in the woods the same way their grandparents did when they had to find their dinners growing up. Those who are especially eggs-peditious may find an extra surprise or two.
And we’re featuring a whole lot more. Your family won’t want to miss our bounce houses, crafts, costumed characters, live music and scavenger hunts. You can do all of that while enjoying fresh popcorn and homemade cotton candy.
The best part? It’s all FREE. Are you egg-cited yet? We are!
Register now while spots are available for one of Southern New Hampshire’s most egg-celent family eggs-periences. No yolking!