3 things you can do to make Eggfest best for everyone
• Register in advance. Limited spots are available.
• Make note of the hunt times below. We don’t want you to miss the action!
• Dress for the weather and bring any bug protection along to prepare your kids for the woods.

Egg Hunt Schedule
• 0-2 … 2:30 pm
• 3-5 … 3:00 pm
• 6-8 … 3:30 pm
• 9 & up … 4:00 pm
• Do I have to register ahead of time? Please do! We have limited spots available due to the parking available on and near the property.
• When should I arrive? The parking lot opens at 1:30 pm. Check-in starts at 1:45 pm. We’ll start checking people in at 1:45 pm.
• Where can I park? We have limited parking spots available onsite. Once these fill, our attendants will direct you to park along certain locations alongside Merrimack Rd. We also hope to offer a shuttle service from 30 Merrimack St, less than a mile from Christ’s Church toward Milford.
• How can our kids collect eggs? We provide bags with handles for egg collection and ask parents that children use these to leave enough eggs for everyone participating in the event. We love a good Easter basket, but please leave them at home for this event.
• Is the event really free? Absolutely. We do not accept donations. No surprises. No gimmicks. We’ll share about a couple of other upcoming opportunities at Christ’s Church. But there is no pressure to be involved. We are grateful for the chance to offer something special to our community.
• Are there restrooms available? Indoor restrooms are available on the premises – a men’s and a women’s on the first floor of the building and a family restroom on the lower level.
• How might weather affect the event? The weather tends to be a factor in the spring! But it hasn’t stopped us yet. If rain (or snow!) is projected for the day of the event, we’ll likely move it to the following Sunday. Less likely the following Saturday, but that is also possible. So you might put placeholders on those dates right now. Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the latest.
• Can I bring my own food and drinks to the event? Absolutely. We’ll be providing popcorn, Easter eggs stuffed with candy along with other fun treats. There will also be water and coffee available in the facility.
• What are you offering for kids 0-2? Instead of eggs filled with candy, we have pit balls, bath toys and eggs filled with stickers for safety. We’ll have a few totes to the side containing candy-filled eggs for parents who would like their young children to have a candy option.
• What about peanut allergies? We are currently not offering candy alternatives. Parents, please filter candy for your kids if there are any health concerns.
• What makes your egg hunts special? We’re glad you asked! Unlike many venues, our hunts for those 3 and up are held in two different locations in the woods. So kids actually get to hunt for some of their eggs and not just scramble around in the open space. We also have kids encircle the hunt area before we start each hunt to make sure everyone gets a fair shot at some eggs.
*We encourage parents to accompany 0-2-year-olds in the scramble area. We allow them to accompany 3-5-year-olds in their area also but encourage parents to allow 3-year-olds + to gather their own eggs. Parents of 6 + will have space to watch their children around the boundaries.
• Are there egg limits? This year we are asking kids to gather 15 eggs only. Collection limits are lifted on the last hunt of the day for kids 9 & up.
• I have a 3-year-old, a 5-year-old, and a 6-year old. Do I have to spend half of my time waiting in line for two egg hunts? We don’t check ages for separate hunts, so as long as your six-year-old follows our hunt rules and isn’t a safety concern for younger kids, you are welcome to bring all your kids to the same hunt.
If you have any other questions, you can contact us here, and we’ll get back to you shortly.