Is it possible to think deeply about the faith and experience it personally at the same time? Maps are important for finding our way through difficult and confusing terrain without losing ground and losing our way. As important as maps are, they also invite us to experience what has been laid out. What would a hike up a mountain be without the direction and guidance of a map? And what would a map be without the invitation to journey, experience and know the great outdoors?
God is inviting us to study his truth and know him intellectually and experientially so that we can know him deeply, enjoy him fully and worship him in truth. And in this season of life groups, God is giving you the opportunity to lead other people there as well.
- Introduction: The Necessary Marriage of Theology and Worship
- Chapter 1: Theology Proper: Worshiping the God Who Is
- Chapter 2: The Trinity: Worshiping God Triune
- Chapter 3: Christology: Worshiping God Incarnate
- Chapter 4: Pneumatology: Worshiping God the Spirit
- Chapter 5: Soteriology: Worshiping the God Who Saves
- Chapter 6: Bibliology: Worshiping the God of the Word
- Chapter 7: Ecclesiology: Worshiping the God of His Body
- Chapter 8: Worshiping the Coming King
Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship of Him by Amy Gannet