GAW Sunday Keynote Speakers
In partnership with our friends at Grace Chapel, we will take the week of November 3-9, 2022 to turn our attention to what God is doing around the world. This year’s theme is, “Are we listening?”There will be opportunities here in Amherst, as well as in Lexington and online to learn first-hand from mission partners as we listen to their stories of what God is doing around the globe. We’ll challenge ourselves to learn from our partners and discover ways to keep in step with God’s Spirit.
The keynote speakers on Sunday, Nov. 6th are David and Jackie Ro, veteran missionaries to East Asia with OMF.

Namibia Update – Mike Knight

Sunday, November 6th | 11:30am
CCA Sanctuary
Plan to stay after church on November 6th, to hear about what is happening with our visiting ministry partner Mike Knight. Christ’s Church is pleased to be the sending church for Mike as a SIM missionary to Namibia, Africa. Refreshments will be served.
Middle East Update & Dinner

Tuesday November 8th | 6:30pm
Grace Chapel Lexington or Zoom
An all church “Middle East Update” and an authentic Middle Eastern Dinner. Two partners, Rafik Khalil and Karim Anayssi will give an update of God’s work in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East. We are accustomed to receiving mostly “bad” news from this region. Come hear first-hand reports of the “good news” of the gospel as followers of Jesus live courageously and boldly, sharing the love of Christ with their neighbors. Due to security reasons, their presentations will not be recorded or shared on social media.
*Reservations are required and donations requested to cover the cost of the meal. REGISTER HERE
Virtual CCLE’s
CCLE stands for “Cross-cultural learning experiences,” formerly known as short-term missions trips. Our friends at Grace Chapel sponsor various CCLEs throughout the year to serve alongside and learn from mission partners.
Get a taste of what a CCLE is like as we journey to Malawi and Guatemala. The CCLE to Guatemala will have a family focus. Come in person to enjoy a simple and authentic Guatemalan dinner or join us on zoom.

Monday, November 7th | 7-8pm
Come to Malawi in southern Africa via the miracle of Zoom. Journey with us to visit several rural villages in Malawi served by World Relief. You’ll ride along the dirt roads in an all-terrain vehicle. You’ll meet some local church leaders serving their vulnerable neighbors through empowering, sustainable development programs. You’ll meet some members of Grace Chapel’s Malawi partner care team who have visited Malawi and have prayed for this partner for nearly two decades.

Wednesday, November 9th | 6-7:30pm
Grace Chapel Lexington or Zoom
A family friendly, hybrid CCLE to Potter’s House in Guatemala. You can join virtually or come in person to the Lexington Courtyard. Anabella Vides and Laura Llanes, visiting partners on Potter’s House staff will share about food insecurity and the nutritional challenges facing the children they serve. If you come in person, you will enjoy a simple, authentic Guatemalan meal. Please register if coming in person.