Calling all talented, skilled, passionate people who love to serve other people. And calling all people who want the experience of stretching their love. CCA Helps is a special ministry of Christ’s Church designed to come alongside someone from one of our partner organizations to bring relief and help them take steps toward a better life. We take a select group of people who are interested in improving their situations and work with them over a several-month period to help them accomplish a goal toward that end.
Here’s one of the best parts for Christ’s Church. Tons of talents, skills and passions can be used to make a difference. Know how to fix a faucet? Can you drive someone to an appointment? Do you like spending time with kids? Can you change the oil in a car? Can you show someone how to put together a budget? There’s a place for you with CCA Helps.
And if you’re hesitant about signing on to a major commitment, then rest assured. Signing up simply says “I want to be a part of this.” Every situation is unique. We don’t expect help to be the extensive kind. And helpers can always say that they are unavailable to meet a current need.
Stretch your love. Use your skills and passions. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Join us on this journey to bless and serve those around us.
Learn a little bit more about CCA Helps here. And sign up or express interest here.