People know a lot about Jesus, but may not normally experience him. Imagine viewing him as the kind of person you’d want to sit and talk with on a park bench or go off on an adventure with! This is a glimpse of what Paul calls “knowing Christ” (Phil 3:10). Experiencing Jesus through studied, meditative interaction with Jesus in Scripture feeds our soul. It draws us into new ways of living. Come take a fresh look at Jesus and answer the invitation to a relaxed life of love, joy and peace as well as truth, justice and adventure. Who would want to miss that?!
A Fresh Look at Jesus – Multi Church Ladies Retreat with speaker Jan Johnson
March 25-27, 2022 at Camp Toah Nipi in Rindge, NH
Cost of $149 includes 2 overnights, 4 meals (3 Saturday, 1 Sunday) and speaker fees
*We are being a little old school this time around. True sign ups are via paper so please be sure to print out, complete and return the forms sent to you in our response email.
**Because we need to give a final count to the Camp two weeks prior to the retreat REGISTRATIONS END AND BALANCES ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 3/6/2022.
Check out beautiful Toah Nipi here.
Check out trails in Rindge for possible exploration during free time here.
Check out info on Jan Johnson here or listen to an example of her teaching here.