Events (Page 2)

Events (Page 2)


In Mark 8:34-35, Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” Baptism is the way Jesus gave us to express our whole-hearted commitment to follow him and enter into a relationship with God. If you or one of your children is ready to make that…

30 Hour Famine

Our Youth Group will be participating in World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine Friday, April 20-Saturday, April 21. They will grow closer to Christ and each other as they fast together for 30 hours and raise funds to fight hunger. They are participating in something bigger than themselves, taking action for God’s kingdom and helping to save the lives of hungry kids! Please take some time to chat with our youth group and youth leaders over the next couple of weeks to…

Easter 2018

Anything can be broken. A bowl or a phone; a heart or a family; even a life. We pick up the pieces—if we can—and move on. Once, in a room filled with fear in a city shaking with unrest, a group of men and women mourned together, trying to gather the fragments of life as they knew it. Their hearts, their hopes, and their world were broken. Then the man they mourned came to them and said, “Peace.” HE’D BROKEN…

Alpha – Starting January 22nd

  Do you have questions about life or Christianity that you would like to have answered but have always been afraid to ask? Ever wondered why we are here? What’s the meaning of life? Is there a God? If so, how do we know? Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Current Alpha Course – Winter 2018 Mondays (starting January 22, 2018) 6:30-9pm CCA Downstairs Classroom Please sign up…

Deepen Your Knowledge of the Faith

Christ’s Church is offering two great opportunities to sharpen your understanding of the Scriptures and deepen your knowledge of the faith. October 26-27th, 2017 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary Gordon Conwell will be hosting the “Reformation Celebration Conference” to hear some of the staff share about different topics related to the Reformation. It’s a free event, but you’ll need to register online here. November 15-17th, 2017 Providence, Rhode Island Another conference—the Evangelical Theological Society—will be holding their annual meeting in Providence,…

Compassion Sunday 2017

Our church is participating in Compassion Sunday on Sunday May 14th during our 10:30am worship service. This is a national event that helps us grow in our understanding of God’s very special love for the poor. It’s also an opportunity for each of us to intervene in the life of at least one child in poverty. For more information, contact Jesse Andreasen at or visit  

Men’s Retreat, February 17-19

Friday evening, February 17th, through Sunday, February 19th Men’s Ministry is hosting a winter retreat at the Goedecke’s house on Lake Winnipesaukee. We are planning time for lively and relevant teaching as well as fellowship and fun in an amazing setting!  There will be a nominal cost for food and incidentals only.  Please contact Jon ( with any questions, or to reserve your spot.

Christmas 2016 – Home is Here

Snow, and mistletoe, and presents under a tree. Well-behaved children — and adults — gathered around the fire. The perfect gift; the perfect response. Visions of sugar plums, and…wait. Whose Christmas is this?! Each December we log miles on the highway and points on our credit cards hoping to connect people, places, and longings. As we wrap our gifts and watch for snow, we can’t ignore the tension in our world and our relationships. We’re looking harder than ever for home.…

10 Days of Prayer

10 Days is an annual opportunity for the Body of Christ in your area to step away from normal routines of daily life and enter into an extended time of experiencing God together through worship, prayer, fasting, and fellowship. It’s a way for all the believers in your city to unite with Jesus at the center. It’s rooted in the 10 Days between the biblical Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. 10 Days is intended to be part of the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them…

30th Anniversary Re-Cap

Our 30th Anniversary Celebration was a very blessed time to share stories and celebrate all that God has done in and through Christ’s Church over the last three decades. If you missed some of the videos we’ve been showing over the last few weeks or want to see them again, you can view all of the videos here. Enjoy!

Celebrating 30 years

This November Christ’s Church celebrates it’s 30 year anniversary! Since our inception in 1985 until today God has been so faithful to us. He has poured out immeasurable blessings, carried us through challenges and tragedies, and continues to lead us now as we start a new chapter in our history. During the month of November we’ll be sharing memories and stories, showing pictures from “back in the day”, and capping it all off with a special 30th Anniversary Potluck after worship…

Worship in the Park a Success!

Worship in the Park was a special day not just in the life of Christ’s Church, but “The Church” in the Souhegan Valley.   Hundreds gathered together on a beautiful Sunday morning at Keyes Field in Milford to worship in unity, lifting high the name of Jesus and interceding for the community (see pics below). Other participating congregations from Amherst, Milford and New Boston included the Village Bible Church, River of Life, The Bridge, Light of the World, Chestnut Hill Chapel, and…