Worship in the Park a Success! (Page 11)

Worship in the Park a Success! (Page 11)

Worship in the Park was a special day not just in the life of Christ’s Church, but “The Church” in the Souhegan Valley.   Hundreds gathered together on a beautiful Sunday morning at Keyes Field in Milford to worship in unity, lifting high the name of Jesus and interceding for the community (see pics below). Other participating congregations from Amherst, Milford and New Boston included the Village Bible Church, River of Life, The Bridge, Light of the World, Chestnut Hill Chapel, and the Gathering Place. It was also great to have visitors from other churches in attendance as well those not-affiliated with a church who were curious about what was going on.

Several pastors led in prayer and exhortation with a focus on seeking the “welfare of the city,” according to Jeremiah 29:7; a powerful time of worship in song was led by a multi-church praise band; testimony was shared about God’s power to deliver from addiction and despair; and Pastor Mike Sacco (Village Bible Church) brought a challenging sermon to consider what matters most in life. An offering of $2815 was also collected for SHARE to help those in need! Praise God for the move of His Spirit to bring about such a wonderful event! May this be one of many Worship in the Park gatherings to come. Please continue to pray that the vision to “seek the welfare of the city” will be put into action individually and collectively through the lives of Jesus’ followers in the Souhegan Valley.

Worship in the Park a Success!

Worship in the Park was a special day not just in the life of Christ’s Church, but “The Church” in the Souhegan Valley.   Hundreds gathered together on a beautiful Sunday morning at Keyes Field in Milford to worship in unity, lifting high the name of Jesus and interceding for the community (see pics below). Other participating congregations from Amherst, Milford and New Boston included the Village Bible Church, River of Life, The Bridge, Light of the World, Chestnut Hill Chapel, and…

Summer Events and More

Our church calendar is filling up with summer cookouts, leadership training, men’s outings, youth group events and more. Visit the events calendar for a complete list of all that’s coming up over the summer months.

CCA Exploring Strategic Partnership with Grace Chapel

The leadership at Christ’s Church is pleased to announce that CCA is exploring the possibility of a partnership with Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA. During the month of June we will be entering into a 4-week pilot program featuring the “Unbelievable” sermon series from Bryan Wilkerson, Senior Pastor at Grace. Richard Rhodes, Grace’s Pastor of Outreach and New Campuses, will be joining us on June 7th to kickoff the pilot program. We are excited about this new possibility and encourage all…

What’s Next for CCA?

The Elders and Development Team will be making a significant announcement this Sunday, May 31st, immediately following the worship service. The announcement begins to address the question that Pastor Dale has asked: “What is next?”  We will present what we believe is a framework which will enable us to pursue our vision for CCA and the Souhegan Valley.  Please make every effort to attend; all members and regular attendees are invited. Nursery and childcare coverage will be available.

Back to Acts

After completing our series on the Lord’s Prayer Dr. Dale Kuehne resumes our sermon series in the book of Acts. This is not just about learning church history, its about recognizing that we are part of the same story, the same mission…should we choose to accept it. Though much has changed in two-thousand years, much remains the same. We are still called to be witnesses for Jesus, the church is still persecuted throughout the world, we still have sin issues and relational problems…

The Lord’s Prayer Sermon Series

During the Lenten season Dr. Dale Kuehne will be taking us through a series on the Lord’s Prayer. This series will challenge us to get beyond the rote and ritual of reciting this ancient prayer, taking a deeper consideration for what Jesus was teaching about the Father, how to commune with Him, and how to live in response to each of the themes addressed in this prayer. Each week the sermon will include the display of a banner based on The…

Winter Weather Update

Dear church family, in light of the weekend storm we wanted to inform you of our plans for Sunday morning. As you know we rarely cancel the service at CCA, and at this point we are still planning on having the building open for a scaled back worship service. The service originally planned for this weekend, including Pastor Dale’s new sermon series, will be shifted to next week. In its place, you can expect a more “unplugged” selection of worship songs, a…

Souhegan Valley United Prayer

Christ’s Church is excited to be a part of the Souhegan Valley United Prayer events taking place throughout February and March. The focus of these gatherings is to seek Lord in prayer for the welfare of the communities in which we live through the advancement of the gospel. Christ’s Church will be hosting one of these events, details about locations and format for all four events can be seen on the flyer below. We encourage all to participate and spread…

Back to Acts

With advent behind us and a New Year before us, Dr. Dale Kuehne resumes our sermon series in the book of Acts. This is not just about learning church history, its about recognizing that we are part of the same story, the same mission…should we choose to accept it. Though much has changed in two-thousand years, much remains the same. We are still called to be witnesses for Jesus, the church is still persecuted throughout the world, we still have sin issues and…

Advent 2014

The word Advent is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning ‘coming.’ In the church calendar, Advent is a season in which the church expectantly waits and prepares to celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ; the Son of God coming to earth to redeem mankind. The season encompasses the four Sundays before Christmas–so this year it begins Sunday November 30th. At Christ’s Church this means music of the season–many Christmas hymns as well as newer Christmas choruses. Each week brings us…

The Life Book

CCA Youth has partnered with The Life Book movement in order to equip students with resources that can help them share the gospel with friends, family and more. Click here to learn more about The Life Book. If you’d like to request copies for yourself or your child please contact Jesse Andreasen.