New Small Group Starting (Page 12)

New Small Group Starting (Page 12)

God and the Gay Christian

We are kicking off a fall small group with a discussion of the book, God & the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines. We decided to study this book (and other papers of opposing views of Scripture) because the issue of homosexuality & same sex marriage is a huge issue which is bombarding the church of the 21st century. It is important that we understand Scripture as clearly as possible, as well as formulate a response that is both loving and educated. This book is thoughtfully written and will serve to help us understand the inner conflicts the christian gay community faces.

For this book study, we will be meeting on Friday evenings: Oct 31, Nov.14, & 21.  Place to be announced.

Please purchase and read this book! A good discussion cannot happen unless we all come prepared with THIS BOOK in mind; not just our own beliefs. I understand the book is available for download on as well as the usual sites like Amazon.

Our group will be open to anyone at CCA who is interested. New attendees will be asked to contact Susan Burrow to let us know you are planning to come, and to add your email contact information into our Group attendee list. As the date gets closer, Susan will send out an email with the place of our meeting. You can contact Susan at :

Hope to see you all on these dates,

Richard & Kristen Johnson

New Small Group Starting

We are kicking off a fall small group with a discussion of the book, God & the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines. We decided to study this book (and other papers of opposing views of Scripture) because the issue of homosexuality & same sex marriage is a huge issue which is bombarding the church of the 21st century. It is important that we understand Scripture as clearly as possible, as well as formulate a response that is both loving and educated. This book is thoughtfully written…

Current Sermon Series: Book of Acts

This fall Dr. Dale Kuehne is leading us through a sermon series in the Book of Acts. This is not just about learning church history, its about recognizing that we are part of the same story, the same mission…should we choose to accept it. Though much has changed in two-thousand years, much remains the same. We are still called to be witnesses for Jesus, the church is still persecuted throughout the world, we still have sin issues and relational problems that…