Christ’s Church is offering a new class starting April 16th!

How do we sift through the unending philosophies that are available on parenting and be intentional in how we choose what is best for our family?  

Stop by to learn more and sign up today.


Christ’s Church is offering a new class starting April 16th! How do we sift through the unending philosophies that are available on parenting and be intentional in how we choose what is best for our family?   Stop by to learn more and sign up today.

Good Friday

Discover the beauty of Good Friday with us as we reflect on the life-giving sacrifice that changed the world. Come as you are and see how Jesus broke death by dying and continues to break death for each of us today. March 29th, 6:30 pm | Onsite Only | Communion Served

West Virginia Missions Trip

CCA is going to West Virginia! Embark on a transformative family mission trip with Praying Pelican Missions to the Appalachia region from August 3rd – 9th, 2024. Serve in soup kitchens, food pantries, and more, sharing the gospel and building lasting connections. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to serve and grow closer to God and his people. Join us for an upcoming informational session with a light lunch after church on Sunday, March 3rd.  Learn more or sign…

Heroic – New Kids Series

Every kid wishes they had superpowers, but with Jesus, we don’t need x-ray vision or invisibility to be heroes! In this four-week series, kids will hear stories about the heroes of the Early Church — the apostles and disciples who used their unique abilities to spread the good news of Jesus. Through their stories, we’ll see that anyone can do great things for God because God gives everyone a mission, the Holy Spirit gives us power, and we’re heroic when we work as a team!…

CCLE – Guatemala

Join Grace Chapel for their upcoming Cross Cultural Learning Experience (formerly, summer missions trips) to Guatemala to work with the Potter’s House ministry there. The trip will be taking place between August 13-August 20th. But the deadline for applying is April 20th. The first training will be held on April 23rd. To learn more about the trip, check out these slides from the recent planning meeting. There is still room for one more family of four or two more families of three. To apply, download and submit the application found here: adult…

TechWise Family

Feel like your family is always distracted by technology? You’re not alone! Since the onset of the pandemic, millions of people, young and old, are spending more time in front of screens than ever. Juggling work and school online has heightened our awareness of the spiritual, relational and emotional struggles with always-on access to technology. But beyond setting limits for screen time, how do parents and families learn how to truly connect, not just survive the new digital normal? That’s…

Global Awareness Week 2022

GAW Sunday Keynote Speakers In partnership with our friends at Grace Chapel, we will take the week of November 3-9, 2022 to turn our attention to what God is doing around the world. This year’s theme is, “Are we listening?”There will be opportunities here in Amherst, as well as in Lexington and online to learn first-hand from mission partners as we listen to their stories of what God is doing around the globe. We’ll challenge ourselves to learn from our…

CCA Helps

Calling all talented, skilled, passionate people who love to serve other people. And calling all people who want the experience of stretching their love. CCA Helps is a special ministry of Christ’s Church designed to come alongside someone from one of our partner organizations to bring relief and help them take steps towards a better situation in life. We plan on taking on a select group of people who are interested in improving their conditions and working with them over…