Feel like your family is always distracted by technology?
You’re not alone! Since the onset of the pandemic, millions of people, young and old, are spending more time in front of screens than ever. Juggling work and school online has heightened our awareness of the spiritual, relational and emotional struggles with always-on access to technology.
But beyond setting limits for screen time, how do parents and families learn how to truly connect, not just survive the new digital normal?
That’s a question we’re eager to dive into at Christ’s Church this new year. Starting on Wednesday, January 11th, we’ll be offering a four-week class from Andy Crouch called the Tech-Wise family. Come sit down with like-minded people struggling with some of the same questions you are about balancing time in technology and time away from it. We’ll sit down for a meal, watch a couple of sessions and discuss what we’ve learned. Childcare will be provided. And the best part about it is that it’s all free.
So sign up now to go on the Tech-Wise journey with us. We can’t wait to have you.
Learn more or sign up here.