Is Baptims Too Big of a Step for You?
Have you ever wondered what baptism is all about? Or if baptism is too big for you? Let’s talk! Baptism is a special way to say “yes” to Jesus, and at CCA, it’s a big deal! But it’s not too big for anyone. Join us for “Explore Baptisms” on Sunday, February 2 fo a laid-back, one-hour conversation with one of our pastors. Bring your questions—big or small, practical or deep—and let’s unpack what baptism means together. Head over to our…
Global Awareness Week 2022
GAW Sunday Keynote Speakers In partnership with our friends at Grace Chapel, we will take the week of November 3-9, 2022 to turn our attention to what God is doing around the world. This year’s theme is, “Are we listening?”There will be opportunities here in Amherst, as well as in Lexington and online to learn first-hand from mission partners as we listen to their stories of what God is doing around the globe. We’ll challenge ourselves to learn from our…
Operation Christmas Child 2023
Come and hear how the Lord uses this international program to bring the gospel TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH using shoe boxes. The most remote areas of the world, including no-access countries, will hear the gospel this year with your help. Join us as we come alongside Operation Christmas Child by taking home a box (or 3) to fill for a child(ren) that God has already hand-picked to be blessed by you! Boxes are now available in the foyer…
Global Awareness Week 2020
Global Awareness Week (GAW) begins on Sunday, November 15th. This year’s theme is Building Gospel Bridges. In Matthew 5:9, Jesus doesn’t mince words. “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of God.” Jesus invites us to work for peace, to be a community of faith that builds gospel bridges with our neighbors near and far. Throughout this week we will be turning our attention beyond our local experience and catching a greater glimpse of…
Operation Christmas Child 2020
Share the joy of Christmas with kids around the world. Every year at Christ’s Church we join Operation Christmas Child to show the love of God to children in need. This year, we are inviting people to build a shoe box online. Boxes may also be filled and dropped off at a collection site in your area listed here. Our CCA goal is to donate 50 boxes. BUILD A BOX (online) PACK YOUR OWN Nearest drop-off location: Community Chapel, 5 St. Laurent…
Global Awareness Week
Being a Christ follower where you live means different things to believers around the world. Some live in actively hostile political and religious climates. Others experience social pressure from family and relatives for their faith. Wherever we live, it’s not easy to live lives of grace when we are under pressure. Join us this year for Global Awareness Week, November 2-7, a time when we turn our attention to what God is doing in the Greater Boston area and around the…
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is an opportunity to share the love of God with children in need from around the world. It’s as simple as packing a shoebox with gifts. You can even choose to track your box to find out where it ends up. The shoeboxes will be available for pick up starting this Sunday, October 20 in the Christ’s Church foyer. BOXES MUST BE RETURNED TO CCA NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th.
Global Awareness Week
Jesus began his ministry life by announcing that his mission was “to proclaim good news to the poor…and to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” (Luke 4:18). The church has been addressing matters of mission and justice ever since Pentecost and continues to do so today. We will be joining with our parter Grace Chapel for Global Awareness Week, Nov. 2-7, 2018, as we learn about Jesus and Justice, through the lives and ministries of visiting mission partners. Please visit to see the…
IDOP 2017
On Sunday, November 5th, Christ’s Church joined with thousands of other churches across the world to participate in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). But it doesn’t have to end there. Here are several ways you can continue to help the persecuted church. PRAY The first request of persecuted Christians is, “Pray for Us.” Beyond praying on the IDOP, you can sign up to receive information that will help you pray for countries and individuals on a…
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is here once again, an opportunity to share the Gospel with children around the world. The shoeboxes will be available for pick up starting this Sunday, October 15 in the Christ’s Church foyer. BOXES MUST BE RETURNED TO CCA NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, NOV. 12.
Flood Relief Donations
Christ’s Church is joining with our partners at Grace Chapel to raise funds to help with the flooding in Texas and Asia. Here’s how to give financially to support the flood relief efforts in the Texas gulf and south Asia: Give securely by texting #floodrelief to 781-995-3435. We’ll bounce back a secure, mobile-friendly form for you to donate. Or give online through MyGraceChapel.org, choose our Special Mission Project option in the fund menu and enter “Flood Relief” in the “optional…
Compassion Sunday 2017
Our church is participating in Compassion Sunday on Sunday May 14th during our 10:30am worship service. This is a national event that helps us grow in our understanding of God’s very special love for the poor. It’s also an opportunity for each of us to intervene in the life of at least one child in poverty. For more information, contact Jesse Andreasen at jesse@ccnh.org or visit CompassionSunday.com
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