Easter 2018 (Page 8)

Easter 2018 (Page 8)

Anything can be broken. A bowl or a phone; a heart or a family; even a life. We pick up the pieces—if we can—and move on.

Once, in a room filled with fear in a city shaking with unrest, a group of men and women mourned together, trying to gather the fragments of life as they knew it. Their hearts, their hopes, and their world were broken.

Then the man they mourned came to them and said, “Peace.”


And when he did, damage of all kinds began to be undone…. and that undoing continues today. Easter means anything—anything—can be unbroken.

Come celebrate with us, and experience the life-giving, unbreaking hope of the resurrection this Easter Sunday.

Sunday April 1st – 10:30am

Easter 2018

Anything can be broken. A bowl or a phone; a heart or a family; even a life. We pick up the pieces—if we can—and move on. Once, in a room filled with fear in a city shaking with unrest, a group of men and women mourned together, trying to gather the fragments of life as they knew it. Their hearts, their hopes, and their world were broken. Then the man they mourned came to them and said, “Peace.” HE’D BROKEN…
Something, somewhere, is broken. The headlines scream it, and our own hearts whisper the questions: What is wrong with the world? And can it ever be made right? In the ancient days of Israel, a few men tried to answer these questions, with holy messages of rebuke, repentance, and—ultimately—hope. They were known as prophets. And during Lent, we have the opportunity to reflect on their words for our damaged world. The season of Lent on the Christian calendar began as a…

Alpha – Starting January 22nd

  Do you have questions about life or Christianity that you would like to have answered but have always been afraid to ask? Ever wondered why we are here? What’s the meaning of life? Is there a God? If so, how do we know? Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Current Alpha Course – Winter 2018 Mondays (starting January 22, 2018) 6:30-9pm CCA Downstairs Classroom Please sign up…

Your Place in God’s World

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Advent Devotional 4 – Peace in the Questions

“HOW CAN THIS BE?” MARY ASKS. – LUKE 1:34 “WHERE IS THE ONE WHO WAS BORN THE KING OF THE JEWS?” THE WISE MEN INQUIRE. – MATTHEW 2:2 Even in our noisy, busy world, Christmas seems to close the gap between the daily grind and the divine. Christmas gives us permission to hope for big things (and not just a box under the tree!). It tugs at our hearts and whispers—sometimes shouts—about beauty, and forgiveness, and restoration. But still we…

Advent Devotional 3 – Peace in the Unexpected

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” -Luke 1:28-30 The story of Jesus’ coming is filled with men and women who are caught off-guard by the unexpected, personal attention of God. God is pleased with you,…

Advent Devotional 2 – Peace in the Heartache

Are the holidays weighing you down? Despite last year’s vows that “next year will be different,” many of us enter December feeling the burden of expectations. This year, we’ll have everything done early. This year, everyone will get along. We’ll spend less money. All of the lights will work. We will find the magic even if it wrecks us. We approach Christmas with heavy expectations for ourselves—and the imperfect people with whom we celebrate. Come to me, all you who…

Advent Devotional 1 – Peace in the Tumult

He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord. –Isaiah 2:4-5 We wake and rise in the darkness, and the light is gone long before we return to bed. December is here, and winter…

IDOP 2017

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Operation Christmas Child

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