Wonder - Advent 2019 (Page 6)

Wonder - Advent 2019 (Page 6)

Christmas awakens our wonder—reminding us of the children we once were, and the mystery the world seemed to hold. Wonder meets us under a starry sky, in the hush of a quiet snowfall or the glow of glittering lights. It beckons from under decorated trees and across a family table.

Surprise, curiosity, and joy: can these gifts really last? What do they mean?

What will you find, if you follow the wonder?


Tuesday, December 24th
4:30PM & 6PM

Wonder – Advent 2019

Christmas awakens our wonder—reminding us of the children we once were, and the mystery the world seemed to hold. Wonder meets us under a starry sky, in the hush of a quiet snowfall or the glow of glittering lights. It beckons from under decorated trees and across a family table. Surprise, curiosity, and joy: can these gifts really last? What do they mean? What will you find, if you follow the wonder? CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICES Tuesday, December 24th4:30PM &…

Global Awareness Week

Being a Christ follower where you live means different things to believers around the world. Some live in actively hostile political and religious climates. Others experience social pressure from family and relatives for their faith. Wherever we live, it’s not easy to live lives of grace when we are under pressure. Join us this year for Global Awareness Week, November 2-7, a time when we turn our attention to what God is doing in the Greater Boston area and around the…

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is an opportunity to share the love of God with children in need from around the world. It’s as simple as packing a shoebox with gifts. You can even choose to track your box to find out where it ends up. The shoeboxes will be available for pick up starting this Sunday, October 20 in the Christ’s Church foyer. BOXES MUST BE RETURNED TO CCA NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th.

Meet Mike Knight

Christ’s Church is excited to have our own Mike Knight back with us from Namibia, Africa during his home assignment. Mike is our ministry partner serving thru SIM at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary. Mike would love the opportunity to connect with as many people as he can while he is back to share about what God is doing in Namibia. You can sign up for a time to meet up with Mike using the form below. Loading…

Traveling Light

We are all weighed down by invisible burdens of various kinds, but God has designed us to enjoy liberty from all of that as we travel through this life. Join us as we dive into the book of Philippians and learn how to cast aside all kinds of religious, relational and personal baggage that slow us down and make our journeys more difficult to bear. Learn more about our current fall Life Group opportunities below: Amherst Life Group Merrimack Life…

Global Leadership Summit

Christ’s Church will be taking a group to the Global Leadership Summit August 8th-9th. Join us for two days of inspirational leadership development. We will be attending the telecast event at Bethany Church in Greenland, NH. Sign up at the welcome center by May 19thor email Pastor John at john@ccnh.org for early-bird pricing.

Life Beyond – Easter 2019

Christ’s Church will be holding TWO Easter services—one at 9:30am and the other at 11:00am. Nursery care will be available at both services. Invite your family and friends to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us!

Unfiltered: Lent 2019 Teaching Series

UNFILTERED:PRAYERS IN THE MOMENT You want to pray – or at least you want to want to pray – but something stands in the way. You don’t know what to say, or even where to begin. Maybe you aren’t feeling, well… prayerful. Not in the right state of mind. You wonder if God is listening. And if He is, does He even care? At its best, prayer is like good conversation: it flows. It holds our attention. It can happen anywhere, and…

Rediscover Jesus

If there is one person to get to know, it’s Jesus, and there is always room to go deeper in our relationship with him. As part of Lent, Grace is inviting its campuses and partners to read Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly along with them to take another step toward Jesus no matter where you are at on your spiritual journey. Books are now available at the Welcome Center for $2. 

Eggfest 2019

Join us for the FREE Egg-celent, Egg-splosive EGGFEST ’19 happening on Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 9:30-11:30am at Christ’s Church of Amherst for Egg-citing Egg Hunts, Hot Air Balloon Rides, a Bouncy House, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Crafts, and much more. Pre-register at www.eggfestnh.com. Volunteers are needed for this event! Please sign up for a spot at the Welcome Center.

Between Waves

It’s tough to be a Christian in the 21st century, but there are perhaps no greater challenges than the personal, spiritual ones we face all the time. Sufferings of various kinds, conflicts, overconfidence, money and false wisdom threaten to capsize us. How can we navigate these turbulent seas and keep afloat without making a shipwreck of our faith?  James the brother of Jesus gave some ancient wisdom to a group of Christians facing challenges that were not so unlike our…

True Belonging: Home Edition

If there’s one place we all should feel like we belong, it’s home, right? But feeling great about our home life doesn’t always come easily. Busy schedules, stressed relationships, past hurts, and even screen time can all eat away at our sense of connection with the people closest to us. So how do we build a more sustainable, more satisfying life with our loved ones at home? The Bible has some surprisingly relevant messages for the modern family dealing with the…