Sermons on Ezekiel

Sermons on Ezekiel

What If This Isn’t It?

We spend our lives building—homes, careers, families, legacies—believing that when we arrive, we’ll finally feel complete. But what if fulfillment isn’t found in what we make? How can we ensure we’re chasing something lasting rather than something incomplete?

Exiled Not Abandoned

Familiar places don’t always feel the same. Whether it’s an old home, a past relationship, or even our faith, change unsettles us. But what if God is using an unexpected shift to shape something new in us? Explore Ezekiel’s story and discover how God uses exile to bring us closer to him.

A Pleasure to Know Me

Have you ever wondered if the author of your story has anything to say about where your story is going, what part you have to play, and who you really are? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Traces of Promise: The Good Shepherd

Sometimes the Shepherd metaphor is lost on many of us…unless our occupation involves livestock. But it is one of the most important images used in all of scripture to describe God’s care for His people. In this message we explore the promises of God to come Himself to shepherd His people and discover that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of that promise. *Listen at the beginning of the message as Pastor Bryan mentions Christ’s Church and our developing strategic partnership.