Sermons on John

Sermons on John

God’s Secret

Curiosity fuels our search for answers and shapes our journey. But what if the greatest discovery isn’t just knowledge but a divine secret that unlocks the fullness of life? Dive into John 3:16 with us as we unravel God’s profound love and the remarkable way it can take shape in our lives.

Fire Pits are Good for Your Soul

Settings like gathering around a fire pit are good for your soul because they create an environment for human connection, and when we connect with humans we connect with God. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

GIfts for the Mission

Jesus calls us to a new life, clothes us in Himself, commissions us with a purpose and empowers us to fulfill that purpose. Guest speaker Bill Ferrin.

The Resurrection and the Life

Have you ever felt like God was passing you by on the way to someone else? Chances are if you’ve ever watched God bless your friends but have unanswered prayers of your own, you’ve felt overlooked by God. It turns out, as the story of Lazarus reveals, sometimes God is working with our story behind the scenes in ways we would have never imagined.

The Bread of Life

C. S. Lewis said: “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” If that’s true, could the desire that’s meant to be satisfied in another world be tasted and experienced in the present? And could we experience that kind of life every day? That’s the question Jesus answers in one of his most controversial messages found in John 6:25-71.

The Gate

Jesus is the GATE. Knowing Jesus,  belonging to Jesus, believing in Jesus, is the way in. As long as you KNOW him, and are known BY him, it doesn’t matter what else you know, or have achieved.  He WAVES you in, because he KNOWS you.     *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

The Light of the World

If Jesus is the Light of the World, my world is brighter when he’s in it. Light reveals things, Light produces life, Light conquers darkness. If Jesus has brightened your world, it’s time to let that light shine. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

The True Vine

Unconditional love is one of the most prized and beautiful virtues. It gives life to those who receive it and life to those who give it. It’s also substituted for easy alternatives like people-pleasing. And there is no truth, joy and life in any of that. So when people-pleasing threatens to prevent us from enjoying love as it was meant to be, how can we mind the kind of love that gives us life? A message from the life of…

The Good Shepherd

Because Jesus is a Good Shepherd, we can trust Him with our whole lives, and the life to come. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

The Goodness of God in the Hardships to Come

Doubt comes to all of us. And it comes especially hard in difficult times. It can have damaging effects on our relationships and our relationship with God. But could doubt be reigned in and used to help us endure and experience the goodness of God when hardship comes knocking?

The Butterfly Effect

When we serve others in love, we change the world for good. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

From Knowing to Relationship

How do I have a relationship with God? How does God change me and our world? Real change flows out of a relationship with God marked by love. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.