Kingdom Come: Thy Will Be Done

Kingdom Come: Thy Will Be Done

ABout Doubt

In a culture that often prizes certainty and clarity, doubt can feel like a burden we must overcome. But what if our questions are not stumbling blocks but stepping stones to a more profound encounter with God? And what if the energy behind our doubts could be redirected toward a stronger faith? Join us as we journey through the story of Thomas in the Gospel of John and uncover how understanding our doubts can be a gateway to deeper understanding…

Unfinished Business: Easter Sunday

Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, we often find ourselves retreating from the challenges that confront us, seeking refuge in the familiar. But what happens when the potential beyond the fear is too good? Is it too late to return if we’ve already fallen back? Discover a surprising truth from the final pages of the Gospel of Mark that calls us to press on.

The Crux of Change (Good Friday)

Change can seem elusive, especially when faced with the weight of past hurts and the stubbornness of the human spirit. But amidst the complexity, the story of a Roman soldier at the cross reveals a profound truth: the death of Jesus holds the key to transformation. How can we tap into this power for change in our own lives?

Whole-Person Healing

Have you ever wondered about God’s involvement in healing? In a world filled with pain, disease, and uncertainties, the quest for divine intervention can be both compelling and skeptical. Join us as we explore a pivotal moment in the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus confronts the complexity of healing, and discover how God’s new work extends beyond what’s seen.