Sermons on Luke (Page 2)
The Chosen
Christmas means we are chosen – not just for who we are but who we might become in God’s love. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
Finding Christmas
Long seasons of personal difficulty can make it hard to believe that there is a God who cares for us. But Luke’s telling of the events leading up to Christmas told through common people in Luke 1:5-25 might just suggest that God’s good news isn’t just for the masses—it’s personal too.
Jesus: The Family Man
We live well when we find a rhythm for loving our family and loving the world. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
How Luke Saved My Faith
Who was this Luke, anyway? Where did he get his material? What did he hope would happen as a result? And most to the point, why would we want to build our lives on an ancient work of literature that seems almost too good to be true. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
Hannah at the Tomb
What would it have been like to be there when Jesus rose? Can you imagine seeing the very beginning of the church and meeting some of those people? This dramatic, imaginative, first-hand account of the life and times of Jesus will challenge you with a fresh look at Jesus and his invitation to follow Him. Follow along with fictional character Hannah, portrayed by Genevieve Lefevre, as she explores the real events outlined in the gospels following Christ’s crucifixion. *Christ’s Church…
Live Forward (Easter 2021)
After a long season of disruption, normal sounds like a good thing. But what if our normal isn’t so good? Or what if normal misses the mark of the kind of satisfying life we were made for? The resurrection of Jesus was anything but normal for the first disciples who just happened to be the first skeptics too. It was a convention-defying invitation to be something different. Can it be that for us today too?
Just Say No
As we emerge from this pandemic, how can we prepare ourselves and the church for the new normal that’s coming? Fasting is a way of saying NO to ourselves so that we can say YES to others. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
What it Takes
In our unstable world where public opinion shifts quickly and it’s easy to lose relationships over little things, we could all use a little security and clarity in where we stand with God. Is there any relationship that can offer us more security, hope and belonging than a positive one with our creator? And yet, with so many religions and even so many flavors of Christianity, establishing a clear basis for a meaningful relationship with God is more confusing than…
On Paying Attention
How can I manage all the online voices competing for my attention? How can fasting help me pay attention to God? Can the Bible really make a positive difference in my life? In this third episode of our Fast Forward teaching series, Pastor Bryan helps us gain a stronger understanding of the effects the constant infoglut of our news feeds and social media has on our spiritual lives. It’s time to pay more attention to where we’re paying attention. *Christ’s…
Blessed the Best
When God doesn’t answer prayers in the way we expect, he can still take our disappointments and make them into something new. But what about those times when the unanswered prayer doesn’t appear to have any long-term gain at all? Is it possible that if we had prayed differently God could have turned an unanswered prayer into a better opportunity?
Fast Forward
What’s the secret behind actually doing what Jesus did? In his showdown with Satan in the wilderness, Jesus shows us how to overcome the tests and temptations that are sure to come our way. What if giving something up was less about gritting our teeth and more about opening our hands? All through the season of Lent we’re learning how fasting from specific aspects of our lives can help us grow closer to God, and prepare us for the life…
The Promises, Practices and People of God
We are all made for relational connection, but are feeling more lonely and disconnected than ever. How does God help us build meaningful relationships with each other, even in the midst of a pandemic? How can the promises, practices, and people of God help to bring about lasting change in our lives? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.