Sermons on Matthew (Page 7)
The Lord’s Prayer: Forgive Us Our Sins
Psalm 130 and Matthew 6. The command about forgiving others is the only thing that Jesus repeats after teaching His disciples how to pray. Dale Kuehne explores the reasons why.
The Lord’s Prayer: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Isaiah 55 and Matthew 6. The Lord’s Prayer challenges us to consider our needs vs. our wants, centering us in the reality that if we truly seek to live our lives for God, He promises to provide all that we need to do that.
The Lord’s Prayer: Thy Will Be Done
James 1 and Matthew 5. Sometimes it’s difficult to ask for God’s will to be done because we can’t see the whole picture and we are not in control. But if we realize that God’s will will be done, one way or another, we can release everything to God and just say “It is well with my soul.” God is the one thing that never changes in both good and bad weather.
The Lord’s Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come
Mathew 13. Dale Kuehne explores Jesus’ parables about the kingdom of God and what it looks like for us to truly pray and live in response to the phrase “Your kingdom come.” Each week this sermon series includes the display of banners based on the Lord’s Prayer, painted by Dr. Kuehne’s daughter Leah. You can see each week’s banner on this post or see the whole collection by clicking here.
Epiphany in Isaiah: A Light for the Nations
Matthew 2 and Isaiah 49. Dr. Kuehne contrasts the sense of entitlement in our culture with the fact that God does not owe us anything. Yet in His grace, we see that He gave the gift of His Son not only to His people Israel, but to all the nations. We must continue to share that gift with others.