Sermons by Dr. Dale Kuehne (Page 3)
Book of Acts: Tear Down the Walls That Hold Me Inside
Acts 8. Dale Kuehne identifies some of the early church’s “walls” that God broke down in order to spread the gospel beyond Jerusalem. What are the barriers that prevent us from making disciples of all nations? What walls are getting in the way of our intimacy with and obedience to God?
Book of Acts: What are You Afraid of?
Acts 7. Dale Kuehne asks us to consider what our fears are. Do they keep us from obeying God? Stephen was willing die for the cause of Christ. Are we willing to overcome our fears and trust God, or do we turn away from Him as soon as things don’t go our way?
Book of Acts: Responding to Needs & Raising Up Leaders
Acts 6. As the early church grew certain needs began to be neglected. Dale Kuehne highlights the Apostles’ response to this problem, they raised up new leaders to meet those needs and to prepare for continued growth of the church.
Book of Acts: How Did They Do That?
Acts 5. Dale Kuehne challenges us to recognize that our story lines are inadequate. We will miss what God is doing and what He is calling us to if we don’t open our eyes to the greater story line He is writing.
Book of Acts: Don’t Lie to God
Acts 4 and 5. Dale Kuehne continues to explore the life of the early church, reminding us that in the midst of incredible fellowship and miracles that deceivers like Ananias and Sapphira were causing trouble from within. Their story is a warning to all of us about the dangers of lying to ourselves, others and especially to God.
Book of Acts: Seeing is Not Believing
Acts 4. Even when people witness God’s miracles, it does not guarantee they will follow Jesus.
Book of Acts: We Live in Miracle Days
John 10 and Acts 3. Post-Pentecost we see day after day of miracles in the Acts of the Apostles. Why do we see so little evidence of this in the American church today? Dale Kuehne offers some reasons why.
Book of Acts: And the Lord Added to Their Number Daily
Dale Kuehne contrasts today’s concept of getting saved with Peter’s meaning in “repent and baptized.” He also explores the ways God added to the number of believers on and after Pentecost.
Book of Acts: The Church Needs the Holy Spirit
Speaker Dale Kuehne observes that the church in America seems to mostly rely on her own abilities, wealth and influence. Perhaps this is why we don’t see the gospel spreading here like it is in places like Asia and Africa. Jesus said his followers would do greater things than Him, but we need to desperately rely upon the Spirit and follow His leading if we want to see those things happen.
Book of Acts: Why are You Standing There?
Dale Kuehne begins a study in the book of Acts, reminding us that God has called us to go and take part in His redemptive work on the earth.