Sermons by John Nuxoll (Page 7)

Sermons by John Nuxoll (Page 7)

Anxiety’s End

We all want stability: rhythm in our work life, freedom with our finances and harmony in our relationships. But there is always something that can come in and change all of that. How can we overcome anxiety when the world and our lives can be so unstable? Jesus answers that in Matthew 6:25-34.

Unbreakable Comfort

Pastor John Nuxoll. 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Suffering is an unavoidable human problem. It comes to all of us. So how can we cope and help others to do the same? How can we find unbroken life in the midst of a very broken world? At the start of Paul’s letter 2 Corinthians Paul begins a lengthy praise to God that will show us how.

Blinded By Our Sunday Best

We all hope to be accepted by the Father in heaven on that last day, but its easy to hide behind our Sunday best without taking a close look at our Monday worst. Amos tells us how we might live in order to be confident in God’s pleasure in us.

Christmas Eve 2017 – Peace in the Darkness

2017 was a dark year for many, and the shepherds who discovered baby Jesus were going through their own dark time as well. God gives us a way to find peace in these times–to rise above our circumstances and experience the well-being he wants for us even when nothing else around us is well.

Peace in the Imperfect

We all face those imperfect, less-than-ideal, frustrating setbacks that seem to be random and unexplainable. We know that they will come, but it still surprises us when they do. God gives us a way to find peace through perspective in moments like these as he taught Mary after she was forced to lay baby Jesus where animals rested.


We all are looking for an experience, accomplishment or opportunity that will give us meaning and help us transcend our human experience but so many of these are false promises for something more. Jesus invites us to transcend our human experience in a surprising way.

Building Bridges

We want to invite people into an experience with God, but we don’t want our invitation to turn people away because there is often a disconnect between Christians and those who are not people of faith. Discover how we can relate to all people in a way that values them and invites them into a meaningful experience without pushing them away.

When Too Good Became True

Hope can be hard to find when good things in life often seem so far out of reach. Where can we find hope when it feels like so many things are too good to be true? The disciples showed us where they found an ultimate good and how it was kept alive.

Unity Glue

We want to experience the joy of accomplishing great things through Christian unity, but divided interests and big personality often keep us from ever getting anything done. In Philippians 2:1-4 God gives us the “glue” Christians need to stay together and make a difference for his kingdom.

Pursuing Wholeness

We want to experience wholeness and vitality, but every person struggles with spiritual fragmentation. What can we do to experience true, inner change?

When it Feels Like God Doesn’t Care

1 Kings 19. Every believer comes to a place in their lives where they feel disconnected with God. We might believe that God is good and worthy of our lives, but some disappointment or unmet expectation can bring us to our knees and turn our hearts away from God. What are we supposed to believe when it doesn’t feel like God has our best interests at heart anymore?