Sermons by John Nuxoll (Page 8)

Sermons by John Nuxoll (Page 8)

The Heart That Prospers

We want to experience prosperity as a church, as spouses and as individuals, but we have a lot of misconceptions about the kind of person God likes to bring prosperity to. The story of David and Goliath of all stories shows us what kind of heart God is looking for.

Finding Clarity and Confidence in Our Faith

We want to enjoy confidence in the first things of our faith so that we can share it with others, read our Bibles well, grow spiritually and determine truth from error. The first thing of our faith is the gospel. But not everybody is on the same page about what the gospel is.

When Home is Your Heritage

We all leave a legacy, but most of us want to leave a positive one. God teaches us through the story of Joseph how we can pass on meaningful legacy to those we care about.

When Home is Far

We long for something different when it is not the way it is supposed to be on this earth. This inward desire points us to another home we can find through Jesus.

Deep Relationship

God said that it was not good for man to be alone, but it is hard to find deep relationships because the modern family is broken. God gives us a place to find deep relationships and a way to access it as well.