Sermons on Grace (Page 3)
A Supernatural-Life
As Christ’s Church continues exploring a strategic partnership with Grace Chapel, we’re excited to present the “More” series from Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team. Having the power of God at work in our lives does not allow for passivity on our part, but sometimes we can lean too much on our own limited strength rather than God’s unlimited Spirit. In this message we explore the book of Galatians and learn the difference between living in the…
Seek and Save the Lost
Luke 19. *A guest missionary shares about their work with unreached people groups and gives a powerful message for all believers about God’s heart to seek and save the lost. *Please note that for security reasons this recording has been edited, leaving out names and locations of individuals where this missionary family will be serving.
Rejoice With Me
Luke 15. Guest speaker Richard Blankenship digs into the parables that show the great lengths God goes to to redeem His lost children.
Book of Acts: Law and Grace
Acts 15. In this chapter a great debate comes to a head in the Jerusalem council, do the Gentiles need to convert to Judaism to be saved? If not, then what requirements are placed on them? Dale Kuehne shares his personal list of 6 guiding points, not specific laws, that help him to pursue a life of holiness and remain centered in the mission Christ.
Book of Acts: Reaching the Whole City
Acts 13. Paul and Barnabas conducted themselves in such a way that almost entire city gathered to hear them. What will it take for us to reach the “whoie” city” where we reside?
Grace Greater Than Mistakes
On January 11th, 2015, Christ’s Church had the opportunity to watch a pre-recorded sermon from Kyle Idleman, preaching pastor at Southeast Christian in Kentucky. We do not have permission to post the video or audio here. You can listen to or watch this message by visiting the following link This message is copyright 2014 Southeast Christian Church. Christ’s Church of Amherst makes no claims of ownership of this material found at this link.