Sermons on Obedience (Page 10)
The Lord’s Prayer: Thy Will Be Done
James 1 and Matthew 5. Sometimes it’s difficult to ask for God’s will to be done because we can’t see the whole picture and we are not in control. But if we realize that God’s will will be done, one way or another, we can release everything to God and just say “It is well with my soul.” God is the one thing that never changes in both good and bad weather.
Walking the Talk – Men’s Breakfast 3-7-15
Deuteronomy 11. Fouad Faris share’s about the importance of living out what we profess to believe if we desire to have Kingdom impact on our families and a watching world.
The Lord’s Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come
Mathew 13. Dale Kuehne explores Jesus’ parables about the kingdom of God and what it looks like for us to truly pray and live in response to the phrase “Your kingdom come.” Each week this sermon series includes the display of banners based on the Lord’s Prayer, painted by Dr. Kuehne’s daughter Leah. You can see each week’s banner on this post or see the whole collection by clicking here.
Book of Acts: Law and Grace
Acts 15. In this chapter a great debate comes to a head in the Jerusalem council, do the Gentiles need to convert to Judaism to be saved? If not, then what requirements are placed on them? Dale Kuehne shares his personal list of 6 guiding points, not specific laws, that help him to pursue a life of holiness and remain centered in the mission Christ.
Book of Acts: Live As If the Promises are True
Acts 14. There was nothing supernatural about Paul and Barnabas. How did they heal a man who couldn’t walk, or preach boldly in the face of persecution? They lived as if God’s promises were true (because they are), and His power was made available to them as they trusted Him to accomplish His purposes and fulfill His promises.
Advent in Isaiah: We’re All in it Together
Joshua 24, Judges 2, Isaiah 6. Dr. Dale Kuehne emphasizes the collective responsibility that we have as followers of God, not just for the present, but for the past and future as well. In Isaiah we see that though the prophet’s words will be ignored by his generation, he must still be faithful to deliver God’s message. These words will be discovered by a future generation who will need them to recognize the Messiah.
Not Everything is Good for You
1 Corinthians 10. Elder John Owen explores the Apostle Paul’s teachings on idolatry, temptation, and the dangers of testing the boundary between what is permissible and what is sin.
Book of Acts: Being the Answer to Someone Else’s Prayer
Acts 10. God uses us to answer the prayers of others, but it requires obedience on our part, even when it’s uncomfortable or dangerous. Dale Kuehne explores this idea in the Apostle Peter’s life as well as in several modern day examples.