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Repentance: Humbling the Rebel in Us
Understanding God’s plan for “something new” – delivering the Good News of Christ involved preparation. We learned last week that His preparation was perfect, we will now go deeper landing in Mark 1:15 “…Repent and believe the Good News!” What challenges, what circumstance might God use in your life to prepare you for something new? Join us as we look at King David and exploring the need for humility, the essence of repentance.
Slow Time
The new year helps us anticipate new possibilities. But the stark reality of life’s brevity, as depicted in Psalm 90, raises a common struggle. How can we navigate this brief existence and find true fulfillment?
Patchwork Peace
Amidst the holiday cheer, the struggle for peaceful moments is real. Whether juggling holiday busyness or feeling a void of a relationship gone awry, the Christmas story promises an otherworldly peace. How can this promised peace be a reality in our lives today?
Peace in Conflict
Promises of future peace abound but our present conflicts persist, causing tension in daily interactions and personal relationships. How can the love of Christ reshape our affections, reorient our priorities, and bring a transformative perspective in order to bring a little bit of that future peace into the present? Join us in exploring 2 Corinthians 5 as we delve into Paul’s profound theology of reconciliation.
Sowing Seeds of Grace
Join us as we take a look at the history & legacy of CCA asking will God provide all that you need to sow generously? Do you see miraculous growth and an abundant harvest?
Most people love the idea of becoming more generous. But putting generosity into practice is easier said than done when so many of us are short on time and money. How can our gifts, both of our money and of our time, become a grace not just to others but a transformative gift to our own souls? Discover how genuine love, rooted in Christ, transforms our fears, uncertainties, and comforts into an adventurous journey of “adventurosity.”
From Past Regrets to New Beginning
New beginnings give us an opportunity to start fresh, make new friends and bring new energy into our lives. But how do we begin something new when our hearts and minds are so easily drawn to what went wrong in the past? How can we overcome regret to enter into what God has for us next?
God Redeems Our Work
Guest speaker Matt Rusten from Made to Flourish shares about integrating our daily work with our faith in Christ. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
Taking Hold
We don’t have to fear change, because with Christ, every change is an opportunity to be changed, and to become the person God is calling us to be. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
Reaching Forward
Like most everything else in life, change goes better when we do it together. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.
Letting Go
Change is supposed to be a part of life. But that doesn’t mean letting go of what came before is easy. And matters only get worse when whatever is next fails to meet our expectations. How can we navigate change and enjoy what’s next when it’s so hard to let go? It turns out that one of the most mysterious books of the Bible, Ecclesiastes, sheds some light on that question.
Embracing Change
When we embrace change with courage and faith, we discover God to be the same here, there, and everywhere in between. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.