Messages (Page 41)

Messages (Page 41)

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Christ The Crusader Against Social Injustice

Luke 2, 14, 17, 19. Guest speaker Vicki Kardos speaks about Jesus’ acts of compassion and mercy towards the poor, unclean, “sinners” and socially outcast. As followers of Jesus we are called to the same mission and must beware of neglecting or shutting people out because of our judgements and lack of compassion.

Advent in Isaiah: The Lord has Laid on Him the Iniquity of Us All

Isaiah 53, Revelation 12. Dale Kuehne draws upon Isaiah’s suffering servant prophecy to remind us that we have all gone astray. It was for our sin that Jesus came into this world to die for our redemption. We did not deserve this act of love, and so we must extend this same grace to all of mankind, even those who we consider worse sinners than ourselves.

Advent in Isaiah: Come, All You Who are Thirsty

Isaiah 30 and 55. Dale Kuehne asks us to consider the areas of our lives where we might be seeking provision, deliverance, guidance and satisfaction apart from God. We’ll always end up disappointed by those “alliances” and idols, but God invites us to come be satisfied in Him, for eternity, free of charge.

Advent in Isaiah: We’re All in it Together

Joshua 24, Judges 2, Isaiah 6. Dr. Dale Kuehne emphasizes the collective responsibility that we have as followers of God, not just for the present, but for the past and future as well. In Isaiah we see that though the prophet’s words will be ignored by his generation, he must still be faithful to deliver God’s message. These words will be discovered by a future generation who will need them to recognize the Messiah.

Book of Acts: Peter’s Prison Break

Acts 12. After Peter’s arrest, believers were hiding out, earnestly praying for his release. When God miraculously sets him free, they don’t believe it at first. How often do we pray for something that we don’t really believe God can do? How often do our fears cause us to hide our faith rather than share it with the desperate (and sometimes hostile) world we live in?

Not Everything is Good for You

1 Corinthians 10. Elder John Owen explores the Apostle Paul’s teachings on idolatry, temptation, and the dangers of testing the boundary between what is permissible and what is sin.

Believing God for More Than We Can Imagine

Ephesians 3 and Hebrews 11. Guest speaker Burke Rentz encourages us to trust God for more than just the small things, and to consider what might be hindering us from walking in those greater possibilities.

God of Wrath or God of Love? Part 2

Portraying God as love while diminishing or completely denying His judgment of sin has been a problem in both ancient heresies as well as some 21st century sermons. Jesse Andreasen explores several passages that reveal God’s incredible love, patience, and forgiveness while upholding His holiness and justice.

Reaching for Jesus

Text: Mark 5. Guest speaker Gordon MacDonald digs deep into the story of the woman who was healed after secretly touching Jesus’ cloak. How many of us recognize our desperation for Jesus in all matters of life? Do we have the faith to expectantly reach for Him in our need? Are we offering this life-changing encounter with Jesus to others?