Messages (Page 42)

Messages (Page 42)

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Book of Acts: Saul’s Conversion

Acts 9. Dale Kuehne brings us back to Acts this week with the conversion of Saul. Sometimes God chooses the most unlikely people to join His kingdom, sometimes the church questions that choice.

I Opened Doors

Mark 5. Guest speaker Gordon MacDonald. Jesus opened a door in the life of a hopeless man, abandoned by everyone else. We too are called to be door openers in the lives of others.


Luke 7. Guest speaker Derrick Avery explores Jesus’ encounter with the sinful woman. We all need God’s forgiveness and we all need to offer that same kind of forgiveness to others.

Book of Acts: Tear Down the Walls That Hold Me Inside

Acts 8. Dale Kuehne identifies some of the early church’s “walls” that God broke down in order to spread the gospel beyond Jerusalem. What are the barriers that prevent us from making disciples of all nations? What walls are getting in the way of our intimacy with and obedience to God?

Book of Acts: What are You Afraid of?

Acts 7. Dale Kuehne asks us to consider what our fears are. Do they keep us from obeying God? Stephen was willing die for the cause of Christ. Are we willing to overcome our fears and trust God, or do we turn away from Him as soon as things don’t go our way?

Book of Acts: How Did They Do That?

Acts 5. Dale Kuehne challenges us to recognize that our story lines are inadequate. We will miss what God is doing and what He is calling us to if we don’t open our eyes to the greater story line He is writing.

Book of Acts: Don’t Lie to God

Acts 4 and 5. Dale Kuehne continues to explore the life of the early church, reminding us that in the midst of incredible fellowship and miracles that deceivers like Ananias and Sapphira were causing trouble from within. Their story is a warning to all of us about the dangers of lying to ourselves, others and especially to God.

Book of Acts: We Live in Miracle Days

John 10 and Acts 3. Post-Pentecost we see day after day of miracles in the Acts of the Apostles. Why do we see so little evidence of this in the American church today? Dale Kuehne offers some reasons why.