Messages (Page 12)

Messages (Page 12)

Welcome to our Messages page. You can scroll down to access our most recent sermon videos and podcasts, or search the archive by series, book of the Bible, topic, and more. If you’d like to subscribe to the weekly podcast through iTunes or Podbean please click one of the links below. You can also view entire services by visiting our youtube channel.

The Way of Reconciliation

Conflict is one of the most normal human experiences. But is it possible that we can address conflict in ways that don’t end up breaking relationships as is so common? What did the first Christians have that enabled them to thrive as a community even when their members made hurtful mistakes? Luke sheds some light on that in Acts 6:1-7.

The Way of Togetherness

Life may be slowly returning to normal, but experts say that many of us still feel like we’re stuck, not living as well or as happily as we want. We’re stuck languishing. How will we find our way to “flourishing” as we emerge into the new normal? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

The Way of the Spirit

We’re all trying to figure out how to live in the new normal. But could we be missing something more important than plans and strategies? What was the power that transformed the first Jesus-followers and launched the church? Can we tap into it today? *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

The Way of Discovery

Do you still think the same way you did when you were younger? Or have your thought processes and attitudes grown and matured as you have? In this sermon, Pastor Adam encourages us to approach life as learners, not experts. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.


So how do we explain the DEVOTION of the first Christians, their FAVORABILITY among the people, and the remarkable GROWTH of the early church? It’s Jesus! How devoted are we to Jesus? How central is Jesus to our lives and homes and church?  *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Hannah at the Tomb

What would it have been like to be there when Jesus rose? Can you imagine seeing the very beginning of the church and meeting some of those people? This dramatic, imaginative, first-hand account of the life and times of Jesus will challenge you with a fresh look at Jesus and his invitation to follow Him. Follow along with fictional character Hannah, portrayed by Genevieve Lefevre, as she explores the real events outlined in the gospels following Christ’s crucifixion. *Christ’s Church…

Live Forward (Easter 2021)

After a long season of disruption, normal sounds like a good thing. But what if our normal isn’t so good? Or what if normal misses the mark of the kind of satisfying life we were made for? The resurrection of Jesus was anything but normal for the first disciples who just happened to be the first skeptics too. It was a convention-defying invitation to be something different. Can it be that for us today too?

Just Say No

As we emerge from this pandemic, how can we prepare ourselves and the church for the new normal that’s coming? Fasting is a way of saying NO to ourselves so that we can say YES to others. *Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

What it Takes

In our unstable world where public opinion shifts quickly and it’s easy to lose relationships over little things, we could all use a little security and clarity in where we stand with God. Is there any relationship that can offer us more security, hope and belonging than a positive one with our creator? And yet, with so many religions and even so many flavors of Christianity, establishing a clear basis for a meaningful relationship with God is more confusing than…

On Paying Attention

How can I manage all the online voices competing for my attention? How can fasting help me pay attention to God? Can the Bible really make a positive difference in my life? In this third episode of our Fast Forward teaching series, Pastor Bryan helps us gain a stronger understanding of the effects the constant infoglut of our news feeds and social media has on our spiritual lives. It’s time to pay more attention to where we’re paying attention. *Christ’s…

Blessed the Best

When God doesn’t answer prayers in the way we expect, he can still take our disappointments and make them into something new. But what about those times when the unanswered prayer doesn’t appear to have any long-term gain at all? Is it possible that if we had prayed differently God could have turned an unanswered prayer into a better opportunity? 

Fast Forward

What’s the secret behind actually doing what Jesus did? In his showdown with Satan in the wilderness, Jesus shows us how to overcome the tests and temptations that are sure to come our way. What if giving something up was less about gritting our teeth and more about opening our hands? All through the season of Lent we’re learning how fasting from specific aspects of our lives can help us grow closer to God, and prepare us for the life…