Messages (Page 14)

Messages (Page 14)

Welcome to our Messages page. You can scroll down to access our most recent sermon videos and podcasts, or search the archive by series, book of the Bible, topic, and more. If you’d like to subscribe to the weekly podcast through iTunes or Podbean please click one of the links below. You can also view entire services by visiting our youtube channel.

Building Gospel Bridges

There is a deep correlation between our relationship with God and our relationship with others. In this sermon from Nikki Toyama-Szeto, Executive Director of Christians for Social Action, we learn how working for justice is the “gospel bridge” that we need to build with our neighbors and a watching world. Justice and evangelism go hand in hand because today, people do not assume that God is good. Justice is the demonstration that our God is a good God. Christ’s Church…

A Different Kingdom

The political system in Jesus’ day was a mess. It was worse than a mess, it was horrific. And yet Jesus and his followers changed the world. How?… Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Serpents and Doves

How do I decide who to vote for? How can I have political conversations without blowing up my relationships? What does it mean to vote “like a Christian?” How do I get along with people I disagree with politically? Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Discovering Life

When it comes to solving problems, we often get stuck in predictable patterns of thinking and acting.  But sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to step outside those familiar patterns. Disruption can prompt us to look and listen for answers in new ways, and new places. Jesus is waiting for us outside the box, in that uncomfortable place, and he can lead us to new and better things.   Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace…

Do Something Different

One of the last things most of us need during this season of disruption is another thing to add to our plates. Is there something different we can do that will energize and empower everything else we’re doing already? Luke is going to tell us a story about Jesus that will show us just that.

Stopped in Our Tracks

What’s one thing you’re doing now, that if you stopped doing it, it would change your life for the better? The proper response to disruption isn’t to fix it or escape it or get back to normal as quickly as possible. It’s to pull off the road and do business with God. Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Dual Citizenship

How do I balance my faith and politics? How do I handle politically-charged conversation? How can we keep politics from being so divisive? Consider how Jesus handled a politically-charged question in a way that amazed every one and pointed us all in a better direction. Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Divine Encounter

Is God with us when things go wrong in our life? Can I really hope to encounter Him? Does God fix my problems when I pray? If you ask these kinds of questions, know this: It’s often at our point of need or pain that God wants to meet us and do something new! Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.


Jesus couldn’t seem to resist shaking things up – like when he returned to his hometown for a visit. Why is disruption so pivotal, and how can it… Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Another Mile

The past year has been filled with tension and strife. Everything that has happened on a national scale is affecting us all on a personal level as well. Is there something we could do as a church and as individuals that would enable God to help us bring healing to our places of work, our schools and our homes?

When It’s Time to Forgive

How do you forgive someone who has hurt you, or hurt someone that you love?  And how do you receive forgiveness?  How is God with us when it’s time to forgive?  What does He expect of us in moments like that?  And what can we expect of Him?   Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan Wilkerson and the Grace Chapel Teaching Team.

Not Throwing Away Your Shot

Is God with us…when opportunity knocks? It’s comforting to know that God is with us in the hard times. But He wants to be with us in the good times, as well; when we have opportunities to do something good or important with our lives. What does God expect from us, and what can we expect from God, when opportunity knocks? Christ’s Church is a strategic partner of Grace Chapel in Lexington, MA and features the teaching of Pastor Bryan…